Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Secret Weapons of Turkey Hunting (Part I)

By Kyle Swart

Proof of a gobble call's effectiveness

If you are like most spring turkey hunters, you use a box call, diaphragm call, slate/glass friction call, or something similar. You, as with I, have likely had less than desirable success rates in the past. Those are all great calls, and I put each of them to some good use every spring. However, last spring, I found a secret that dramatically increased my success rate when calling those smart ol' gobblers.

My newly found secret weapon is the gobble call. I have always carried a gobble call in my turkey vest but I was afraid to use it for fear that it would scare the birds away. Boy was I making a mistake by not using it.

Last spring, my dad and I started using the gobble call on almost every hunt we went on. We ended up calling in four separate gobblers on four separate successful hunts, and those are only the ones that we or someone we called for ended up shooting!

In one situation, the farmer that we have plow our food plots was on the tractor and we didn't have anything better to do, so we decided to go walk off about 100 yards into the woods and start calling. With the first calls (diaphragm call) we got a far-off gobble from the other side of the food plot that was currently being plowed. We continued to call for a half hour and the gobbles weren't getting any closer. My dad decided at that point to try the gobble call, after all, what did we have to lose?

Instantly after we used the call, that ol' tom fired off two gobbles and we knew it was game on. We then started back up with the diaphragm calls, and every time he gobbled, we would cut him off with a gobble of our own.

We could tell he was getting closer and fast! Not 5 minutes from the 1st time we gobbled at him, here he came sprinting through the woods straight toward us and at half strut, constantly gobbling the whole way! At that point we ceased all calling, and prepared for a shot. Within 20 seconds of us first sighting him, he was in shotgun range and my dad let him have it.

After the shot, my dad and I just looked at each other in awe. We couldn't believe it. That tom wanted nothing to do with us until we gobbled at him. He even walked around a food plot that was being worked on just to get to us! And with that, we used the gobble call many more times that season with very similar results each time. If you don't own a gobble call, I would definitely recommend that you invest in one.